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Tridan Infrastructure – New Inspection Facilities 2024 – Part 3

A key reason for moving the Production Control offices was to enable the changes and improvement to our Inspection department. An ever-increasing quantity of product moving through the factory, as well as having over 20 CNC machining centres to keep running, it was determined that there was a need for additional resources and equipment to cope with the ongoing demand on the Inspection Dept.

We now have 4 Inspectors on the day shift, 1 Inspector on the night shift, a Quality Administrator apprentice and our Quality Assurance Director, Mike Newman to ensure the smooth running of the Dept.

One of the bottle necks addressed was the increasing number of first-off requirements from the production departments. With the high complexity of parts that we are dealing with on a day-to-day basis, it was decided that a 2nd CMM was required and as such the existing area was simply not large enough to fit an extra desk, let alone a new machine!

With Production Control now moved, we could start the destruction before the construction! Partition walls were removed and new steels added to make way for the new CMM. Led lighting has been added throughout the new and the existing area, along with additional air conditioning units and a lick of paint!

With the building work completed we have doubled the size of the Inspection Department. The additional space has allowed the installation of the new CNC CMM and enabled each inspector to have their own dedicated workspace and room to complete the vast amounts of paperwork required for FAIRs, PPAPs etc.

Tridan Infrastructure - New Inspection Facilities 2024 – Part 3

Our dedicated temperature and humidity-controlled inspection department encompasses a variety of measurement methods which parts are inspected with. This ensures that the precise quality and standards required are met in accordance with our EN9100 certification and customer requirements.

We now have the following:

    • 2 x CNC CMM with working envelopes up to 2.2m x 1.6m x 0.9m.
    • 1 x Mitutoyo manual CMM.
    • 1 x Ash digital microscope and measurements system OMNI 3 Series.
    • PCDMIS CMM Software
    • Offline programming seats for CMM machinery.
    • Inspection Xpert FAIR Software.
    • In House calibration.
    • Hardness testing and shadow graphs.
    • Extensive range of manual gauging and standard measuring equipment etc.


Tridan Infrastructure - New Inspection Facilities 2024 – Part 3

This upgrade has helped to improve our operational efficiencies along with being able to keep up with growing customer demands and has provided a modern comfortable workspace for all team members.

Tridan Infrastructure - New Inspection Facilities 2024 – Part 3

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